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The next 100 years: Global foresight, a bridgeway across decisive century


Crystallizing collective vision about the future of humanity and the planet

"The Next 100 Years" book offers a guide for the coming decades of transformation of the global human civilization that already trespassed many critical environmental, social, technological, and spiritual "thresholds" of sustainable existence. The unfolding polycrisis produces a "make it or break it" moment, calling for cultural & economic foundations of humanity to be "rebooted" - else the society faces an immense collapse within the next 3-4 decades.

The book's central message is the need to co-create a new human dream in order to amplify potential for planetary collaboration, sustain life on Earth and become a multi-planetary species. The book outlines "22 pivotal steps" towards economic, leadership, cultural, and consciousness transformations guiding humanity towards thrivable futures. It also addresses growing conflicts between various stakeholders and power players during the process of transition and suggests the need for inclusive collaborative platforms as a winning strategy for the unfolding age of turbulence.

This work pulls together threads that were woven in journeys across 6 continents, and hundreds of visioning sessions about the futures of society, economy, cities, jobs, nature and education. It engaged indigenous youth, senior corporate leaders and politicians, engineers and researchers working on groundbreaking technologies, activists, movement builders and weavers cocreating a new world.

3 distinct themes emerged

from these diverse communities:
None of these visioning individuals and groups are inherently malevolent
Every person I engaged with shares a common desire for the betterment of the world's futures - and while many harbor personal ambitions, the prevailing sentiment is an earnest intention to channel these ambitions towards positive ends.
People are not seeking mere incremental enhancements in their lives - rather, they yearn for a radical transformation
The prevailing view is that traditional approaches are no longer effective, and our civilization demands a fundamental recalibration — from social institutions and education to governance, finance, families, and even food. People sense discontent, and they often react with rebellion or distress, yet underlying it all, they hold on to a glimmer of hope.
Many sense that change is inevitable on
a global scale
Almost unanimously, there is agreement that the world we are familiar with is on the cusp of transformation. It is the moment when humanity finds itself possessing the utmost potential for transformation, capable of either creating the new Garden of Eden — or manifesting Hell on Earth. This is also the moment when every human being — all of us and each of us — through decisive action or deliberate inaction, becomes an active participant in determining the trajectory of our shared futures.

  • Ervin Laszlo
    Founder & President of The Club of Budapest and The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, Peace Nobel prize nominee

    If you are looking for a single volume that gives you the essential features of what is wrong with the world, together with the essential measures that could put it right, look no further. Pavel Luksha provides an amazingly comprehensive diagnosis coupled with a just as amazingly embracing therapy — a book to read and re-read to help you awaken — and act!
  • Garry Jacobs
    President of World Academy of Art & Science
    “Next 100 Years" is a far-sighted and effective reminder of the transformation the world urgently needs today. The multi-dimensional challenges confronting our global society will not lend themselves to resolution by piecemeal sectoral strategies and incremental measures. Their causes are deep, inextricably interconnected and result from deficiencies in values, concepts, institutions, policies and actions. Fundamental change is needed in both thought and action. This inspiring book presents the intellectual foundation of a new paradigm that is comprehensive and integrated, based on a new set of concepts and values attuned to a future that ensures human security for all. It provides a message of hope and power by recognizing the truth that the future is “seeded" in the present, the future is ours to make. The future we seek to uncork calls for more dynamic, varied, creative and distributed forms of leadership backed by more inclusive, effective, and networked forms of multilateral coordination that mobilize the full spectrum of global stakeholders acting on behalf of all humanity. Every one of us, in the Next 100 Years, has the responsibility and the opportunity to become a bridge to a sustainable future.
  • Jerome Glenn
    Executive Director, The Millennium Project
    “The Next 100 Years" offers a very rich global overview of future possibilities that can be improved by a positive long-range view of the future of civilization. Although a very positive exposition, he does not shrink from addressing the very profound threats to our existence. Pavel Luksha stresses that, "The real challenge is to create conditions for collaboration and cocreation within human societies and with the biosphere and other planetary systems." Indeed, the transition from our current zero-sum geopolitical power games to more synergetic relations among nations, peoples, ideas, and systems may well be our greatest social challenge to get us to the next 100 years and beyond.
  • Victor Vahidi Motti
    Director, World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), Washington DC, USA
    "The Next 100 Years" is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of our world. This book is a remarkable exploration of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for humanity in the coming century. One of the book's most commendable aspects is the commitment to maintaining a broad big-picture perspective, recognizing that the challenges we face in the 21st century extend beyond geopolitical concerns and encompass the well-being of all humanity and the living systems on our planet. Luksha's ability to craft a compelling argument, maintain an inclusive perspective, scrutinize emerging technologies, instill hope, and engage readers through his writing style and illuminating visuals is nothing short of extraordinary. "The Next 100 Years" is a beacon of hope in an era of uncertainty, reminding us of our agency toward the future, emphasizing that we have the power to shape the course of events in a positive and meaningful way. The book is a true masterpiece that deserves the attention and accolades of readers worldwide.
  • Wendy Ellyatt
    Futurist and Social Entrpreneur, Founder & CEO, Flourish Project
    At this critical point in human history, when the choices that we have so far made as a species now threatening our own survival, “The Next 100 Years" not only provides a wake-up call about the degree to which we are facing the likelihood of civilizational collapse and possible species extinction, but also offers clearly thought-through pathways laying out we might avoid this. This is not a comfortable book to read, but it clarifies what ancient and indigenous peoples have been telling us for thousands of years i.e that we are not separate from nature, but instead live in a world of dynamic relationship, and enormous creative potential. Is our purpose as a species to steadily degrade and destroy the very world that sustains us? Or could we work together to dream in something new – something that transcends what has gone before and that celebrates the extraordinarily unique gift that has been given to us as conscious choice-makers within an interrelated network of other living species. My own feeling is that millions of us have the opportunity to now come together to change our story from the one that is predictable to one that fully acknowledges and celebrates our Interbeing. And this book provides a wonderful resource to help us on our way.

  • George Pór
    Founder, Director of Research at Future HOW
    It takes intellectual courage and profound faith in humanity to draw up a picture of the next 100 years in the conditions of the present turbulent times. Those are two qualities that we badly need, and Pavel Luksha has them both, which shines through beautifully in this book. Its key takeaway for me is that the winning position will belong to those who create "the most inclusive and empowering platform for cooperation, resulting in win-win outcomes for all macro- and micro-players involved." It's a tall-order challenge, and Pavel knows that. He also knows that the hybrid wisdom of human and AI agents can give rise to an ecosystem of collective consciousness that we need to meet it. If you want to prepare for the times ahead, don't miss reading this well-researched book.
  • Marilyn Hamilton
    PhD, Author of Integral City Book Series and Co-Founder of Living Cities.Earth
    “100 Year Vision" elegantly maps out the enabling and steering dynamic that human and planetary evolution must traverse in the next hundred years – through the Economy, Governance, Culture and Consciousness. These are the Integral City's four quadrants that call forth the active participation of the 4 Archetypal City Voices of Civic Managers, Business/Innovators, Civil Society/3rd Sector and Citizens. Pavel Luksha maps out 22 steps for these voices to enact to thrive in the 22nd century. His book is not just a vision – but a manifesto for the evolution of humana qui curat – the Caring Human who lives by Gaia's Code of Care for Planet, Place, People, Person.
  • Ross Hall
    Co-Lead on Learning Societies, Jacobs Foundation, and Co-founder, Weaving Lab
    In his book, The Next 100 Years, Pavel Luksha has accomplished a rare achievement by providing an experience that is both expansive and focused, that confronts harsh realities without losing optimism, and that balances theory and practice. I would recommend this book for anyone who is serious about changing the world – and especially for anyone who knows they are part of the world and wish to step into a 'protopian' way of 'being a better world'.

To choose, we need to be aware of our options

The purpose of this book is to show possible pathways,
to accentuate hopeful opportunities
and to provide some guidance for concerted action.
Global thinker, change catalyst, and facilitator working with systemic social innovations in education, business, social entrepreneurship, culture, and urban development.

Pavel is the founder & director of Global Education Futures think-do tank.

Associate Fellow of World Academy of Art & Science.

Co-founder of several international movements, including:
The Weaving Lab and Living Cities: Earth

Creator of innovative Rapid Foresight method applied by 1000s of practitioners in 20 countries worldwide

Author of 5 impactful GEF reports on the future of skills and education.

Pavel and his teams of Global Education Futures
and University for the Planet invite you to join
our 100-years adventure

Here are the current ways to do it


18-20 October 2023
The Dream of The Earth
Evolutionary Renaissance Assembly: The Dream of the Earth online forum, inspired by Pavel's book, aimed to catalyze a conversation about a new long-term dream for humanity and making it a reality.

The forum has become a true planetary gathering, attended by over 600 participants from 77 countries and 306 cities. It was also a true gathering of worldwide leaders, with more than 30% of attendees being founders or owners, and over 25% being CEOs or Presidents, of their organizations
What can heal our civilizational wounds, inspire co creation of the future, and lead to universal flourishing?
Can the evolutionary transition of humankind be guided, and how can this guidance engage all of us?
What needs to change in models of education, governance, economy, and culture so that this dream of thriveable futures can be fulfilled?
What is our dream of the Earth, and what does the Earth dream for us?
of October
The forum was delved into
3 overarching themes:

  • Understanding the essence of the evolutionary crisis
  • Exploring new approaches to technology, economy, and governance
  • Shaping models of new education and learning for a regenerative, inclusive, and decolonized society
During 3 days of the event, it held 4 keynotes and 12 panels with over 50 top international speakers.

To check the agenda and to register, please follow the link below:

U4P "Fostering Thrivable Futures through Education"

As a species and a member of a planetary family, we stand at a crossroads with the potential for either our extinction or an ascent to higher realms of consciousness and collective being. The responsibility for this choice lies with each of us. As change leaders, visionaries, creatives, entrepreneurs, peacemakers, and weavers, our ways of being and doing are essential to make this transition a reality.

We invite you to a series of co-creation sessions where we will delve into pathways toward thrivable ways of living for humanity - with the aim of identifying and establishing community-led initiatives in service of this.